The Springer Opera House cancelled a comedy performance booked months in advance by The Hodgetwins, alleging the comedy duo had failed to pay their deposit. However, a leaked email sent by the Springer revealed the true reason for their cancellation may have been purely political.
In an email sent July 8, 2022 at 8:32 PM, a Springer Opera House employee whose name we have chosen to redact for privacy, explained that, “because of the content of the show, we need to cancel the appearance tomorrow at the Springer.”
The email reads:
“[Redacted], This is [redacted] at the Springer in Columbus, Ga. I need to speak to you ASAP. Because of the content of the show, we need to cancel the appearance tomorrow at the Springer. In the Columbus Community the Springer represents a safe place for all. We have a lot of LGBTQ supporters on our staff and on our board. They feel that the content of the show that you are presenting does not represent that. Please call me so we can discuss what needs to happen.”
The email appears to directly contradict the public statement made by the Springer.
In a public statement made the following day on July 9, 2022, the Springer claimed the last-minute cancellation was due to nonpayment of a required deposit by the Hodgetwins’ representative — a claim which the Hodgetwins’ net worth seems to readily contradict by itself. A quick internet search reveals The Hodgetwins’ net worth to be an estimated $4 million, with their YouTube channels alone earning them tens of thousands of dollars every month.
The hugely successful comedy duo appears to be firmly capable of paying the Springer’s $250 deposit and $3,000 rental fee.
The Hodgetwins’ representative, Mad Hatter Shows, struck back at the Springer, explaining:
“A deposit check of $250 was mailed months ago to the venue. They are accurate in their statement that the rental balance was not paid. As we were told in a phone conversation to pay it the night of the [event] (Which is the norm for most rentals we have ever dealt with). If they had stated the show could continue with payment, we would have paid it immediately as funds are no issue.”
The Hodgetwins’ representative then explained that they received an email from the Springer which stated the show was being cancelled over its LGBT content:
“Rather we received an email and text message less than 24 hours before the event that states the show was being cancelled due to LGBT content as you may have seen a screenshot of the email online. Immediately following that email we spoke with the event coordinator over the phone to discuss it. We asked if that content was removed from the show could it continue. She called shortly afterwards after stating she checked with trustees and director and stated the show could still not take place.”
The Hodgetwins themselves made a Facebook post pointing out the absurdity of the claims and decisions made by the Springer, hinting at the defamatory nature of the Opera House’s statements:
“So Springer Opera House is claiming on their Facebook page now we broke the contract financially and that’s why the show was cancelled. Which is defamatory and a proveable lie. See email sent to show promoter the night before the show. We were willing to make consolations but they refused because of LGBTQ staff feelings.Do you think your prior emails to the show promoter vanishes like on Snapchat? You cancel and then defame us and our business associates which is not smart at all.”
The Springer does appear to be caught in a bald-faced lie. Given the preponderance of evidence, it is safe to assume the Springer spun a web of excuses to cover-up their actual reason for cancelling The Hodgetwins’ performance: their unapologetic conservative content. We’ll leave you as the reader to draw your own conclusion.