COLUMBUS, Ga. — New data released by Home For Good confirms that homelessness increased again in Columbus at a rate much higher than anticipated.
Earlier this week on Jan. 25, we discussed how last year’s increase in Columbus homelessness — the first in many years — was expected to be repeated again for 2023. Now, new data released by Home For Good confirms the increase was far worse than expected.
The new 2023 data shows a staggering 13.58% increase from last year alone.
After conducting its 2023 “Point In Time Count” between Jan. 23-24, Home For Good published that there are now 276 people currently experiencing homelessness in the Columbus, Ga. area.
Last year, there were only 243.
In 2021, that number was even lower at 239.
After many years of optimistic steady decline, the rate of Columbusites experiencing homelessness began to bottom-out in 2019, quickly rounding out at its lowest point in 2021.
From 2021-2022, homelessness in Columbus rose for the first time since at least 2016. Though last year’s 2% increase may have seemed small, it was indicative of a trend reversal that forebode even greater increases ahead.
With a 13.58% increase from 2022-2023, that projected increase is now confirmed in what could reasonably be called a severe rapid rise.
Each year, Home For Good conducts what is called a “Point In Time” Count, or PIT Count, for short. Trained volunteers venture out into our community to count and survey those who are experiencing both sheltered and unsheltered homelessness. Those volunteers also connect those experiencing homelessness with the resources and opportunities they may desperately need.
One of those volunteers could be you.
If you’re interested in becoming a trained Home For Good volunteer, you can easily reach out to the organization through their website or visit them at First Presbyterian Church at 1100 First Avenue, Columbus, GA 31901.
Home For Good is a program of the United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley.
Facts are stubborn things — and we’ll keep publishing them, whether city officials like them or not.
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