Why Our City’s Leaders Might Be A Group Of F***ing Morons
When 70% of our diverse police force has no confidence in their chief’s ability to lead, but officials claim “racism” is somehow to blame, all while cops quit in droves naming their chief as the reason as they go work for other diverse depts, it becomes apparent our city may be led by a group of f***ing morons. Explore the full story to make the call for yourself.
An artistic expression of Columbus, Ga. police chief Freddie Blackmon and city manager Isaiah Hugley hiding behind and being shielded by mayor Skip Henderson as the violent crime and gang activity continues to plague the city. After a world-class study vindicated the 70% of officers who had no confidence in Blackmon’s ability to lead, officials still claim “racism” is to blame — though officers continue to quit in droves to work at other diverse depts.
Image Credit:
Muscogee Muckraker

Officers of the Columbus Police Department are urging members of the public to attend this week’s city council meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 14, at 9:00 a.m. to show support for the officers of our city’s police force. The meeting will be held on the second floor of the Citizens Service Center, located at 3111 Citizens Way, Columbus, GA 31906.

COLUMBUS, Ga. — This isn’t an opinion piece. It is an objectively-defendable observation of hard news

When we say our city’s leadership might be a group of f***ing morons, we do in fact mean precisely that — and the English language supports our objective observation.

Merriam-Webster defines a moron as “a foolish or stupid person.” The same source also defines the word foolish as “having or showing a lack of good sense, judgment, or discretion,” and stupid as “ marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or acting.”

According to a study published by the Stanford Graduate School of Business, the use of profanity demonstrates a lesser amount of deception and a higher amount of integrity. In short: using profane adjectives more honestly and bluntly gets one’s point across without deceptively mincing one’s words.

So what have our leaders objectively done which we have observed to be f***ing moronic?

The list is long, so buckle up:

If you ignore the voices of 70% of your city’s entire police force who say they have no confidence in the demonstrated lack of leadership ability of their own Chief of Police, you might be a f***ing moron. 

If you then label their legitimate professional concerns for the city’s safety as “racism,” you might be a f***ing moron. 

If you don’t think the public noticed that you provided a premeditated response to an item on the public agenda of a city council meeting by reading a prepared statement along with a freaking slideshow to support an erroneous claim of “racism” as a shield from which to hide behind, you might be a f***ing moron. 

If you don’t think people noticed that you used a slideshow about black history to discredit the objective data pertaining to the cited lack of leadership ability of a specific individual person, you might be a f***ing moron. 

If you don’t think people noticed that you claimed 70% of your city’s police force was “racist,” but then proceeded to not do anything to stop that so-claimed “racism”  for an entire year, you might be a f***ing moron. 

If you think the doubled-rate of officer resignations under the current chief of police’s command has nothing to do with the officers’ continued concerns for his lack of leadership ability, but is instead somehow due to “racism,” you might be a f***ing moron. 

If you don’t think the city’s rise in violent crime at a rate more  than double that of the city of Atlanta over the same time period has anything to do with the current chief’s lack of competency, despite nearly the entire police force continuing to say it absolutely does, you might be a f***ing moron. 

If you don’t realize that the “process” followed by the Fraternal Order of Police to present the vote of no confidence was required due to your own continued ignoring of the issue while the city devolved into a gang-ridden wasteland, you might be a f***ing moron. 

If you think it’s more likely that hundreds of Columbus Police Officers somehow secretly coordinated to convince their own families to leave the city because of their chief’s race — without one single Karen leaking that “conspiracy” through the city’s dozens of Facebook groups, rather than a single left-wing newspaper publishing a single misleading story to further a disgustingly false race-based political agenda, you might be a f***ing moron.  

If you don’t realize the insanity of it requiring a private group of local community leaders to fund a world-class study of the department in order to show that the concerns of nearly every officer on the force aren’t somehow “racist,” you might be a f***ing moron.  

If you don’t realize how transparently malicious it is to claim “racism” while the majority of officers leaving the department are going to work for another black commander somewhere else, you might be a f***ing moron. 

If you don’t realize that four separate published studies (internal retention study; swot analysis; FOP study; Jensen Hughes) now vindicate the safety concerns of those 70% of the entire police force, you might be a f***ing moron. 

If you don’t think it is appropriate to hold city leaders accountable for dangerously using “racism” as a shield for utter incompetence, you might be a f***ing moron. 

And last, but not least: if you defy federal law by blocking an independent journalism organization from your governmental social media accounts because they asked a question you don’t wish to be asked — in a nation whose first amendment begins with “Congress shall make no law” — all while simultaneously believing the only option available to that journalism organization is to sue in open court, you might really be a f***ing moron.

It is for these historically-documented and objectively-observable reasons that we are reporting as hard news that our city’s leaders might be a group of f***ing morons, based on the proper English definitions of these specifically-chosen words, as according to Merriam-Webster.


This Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2023, at 9:00 a.m., representatives of the firm Jensen Hughes will present their Operational Assessment of the Columbus Police Department. According to officers who continue to privately reach out to the Muckraker, members of the public are strongly encouraged to attend the meeting in a show of support for the officers of our city’s police force.

The meeting will be held in the council chambers on the second floor of the Citizens Service Center, located at 3111 Citizens Way, Columbus, GA 31906.

Ask the hard questions. Fix the hard answers. Rake the muck. 

Facts are stubborn things — and we’ll keep publishing them, whether city officials like them or not.


© 2023 Muscogee Muckraker. All rights reserved.

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